With no extra travel time charges for home or office
visits, we pride ourselves on the company's ability to meet
all three of these essential requirements. And we guarantee you will
find no better personal service anywhere in our field of expertise.
We have solutions to these problems and more, just give us a call or email us, and we'll come to your home or office to diagnose and resolve your computer problems. |
Whether your problems relate to hardware, software, system maintenance, installations, data integrity, network problems, conversions, training, maintenance, web design or management, or just plain trouble shooting, we can help you. If we can't solve your problem, or we know of someone else who can do it more efficiently than us, we will refer your business to them, and monitor their progress at no extra charge to you.
We service clients in Gig Harbor, Port Orchard, Bremerton, Pierce and Kitsap County and never charge for travel or travel time unless a client specifically requests an unusual trip.
Company History
The company began servicing clients in 1984 and with the rapid rise
in the number of clients, incorporated in 1989. The early years were
hectic coinciding with a period of frenetic growth in the field of
personal computers and software development. Most of our early business
involved the installation of systems of all sizes in small businesses
with the emphasis on dental medical and professional services.
The scope of the business increased exponentially over the years as PCs entered the realm of users homes, and larger companies moved between server based systems and more flexible personal computers. The natural business cycle changed too, and more and more of the companies resources were applied to home based family computers, and the emergence of the internet and all that it encompasses for its users.
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New Dimension Technologies Inc. New Dimension Technologies, Inc. is a Domestic Profit
Corporation registered to do business in Washington State.
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